Dynamic storage federations
Project name
Dynamic storage federationsProject description
The group runs a project whose goal is the dynamic federation of
- HTTP based storage systems, allowing a set of globally distributed resources to be integrated and appear via a single entry point. The task is to work on the development of this project (“dynafed”), implementing functional and performance extensions, in particular
- Redirection monitoring, to allow the logging of federator behaviour for real-time monitorng and subsequent analytics
- Metadata integration, beginning with the incorporation of space usage information, allowing the federator to expose grid-wide storage metrics
- An endpoint status/management subsystem. The basic feature would be an interface that publishes endpoint status (up/down/degraded). Management functions could also be incorporated, including ways to add/enable/disable endpoints without having to restart the service.
- Semantic enhancements to the embedded rule-based authorization implementation, including turning the authorization subsystem into a pluggable authorization manager.
- Deployment tests and development with other Apache security plugins, to support natively Identity Federations, like the CERN SSO, Facebook, Google and others. May benefit from the previous points about authorization.
- Integration with experiment catalogues to benefit from available metadata and replica placement information.
Required skills
C++/LinuxLearning experience
Thisproject offers experience in how advanced, distributed storage systems are being used to handle the peta-scale data requiremProject duration
From 3 to 9 months depending on a selected taskProject area
Data ManagementContact for further details
CERN group
Submitted Submitted by Catharine Noble on Friday, January 15, 2016 - 12:07.Friday, January 15, 2016 - 12:07