Dynamic storage federations

Project name

Dynamic storage federations

Project description

The group runs a project whose goal is the dynamic federation of

  • HTTP based storage systems, allowing a set of globally distributed resources to be integrated and appear via a single entry point. The task is to work on the development of this project (“dynafed”), implementing functional and performance extensions, in particular 
  • Redirection monitoring, to allow the logging of federator behaviour for real-time monitorng and subsequent analytics
  • Metadata integration, beginning with the incorporation of space usage information, allowing the federator to expose grid-wide storage metrics
  • An endpoint status/management subsystem. The basic feature would be an interface that publishes endpoint status (up/down/degraded). Management functions could also be incorporated, including ways to add/enable/disable endpoints without having to restart the service.
  • Semantic enhancements to the embedded rule-based authorization implementation, including turning the authorization subsystem into a pluggable authorization manager.
  • Deployment tests and development with other Apache security plugins, to support natively Identity Federations, like the CERN SSO, Facebook, Google and others. May benefit from the previous points about authorization.
  • Integration with experiment catalogues to benefit from available metadata and replica placement information.

Required skills


Learning experience

Thisproject offers experience in how advanced, distributed storage systems are being used to handle the peta-scale data requirem

Project duration

From 3 to 9 months depending on a selected task

Project area

Data Management

Contact for further details




CERN group



Submitted Submitted by Catharine Noble on Friday, January 15, 2016 - 12:07.