e-learning - video production and Academic Training video archive promotion
Project name
Academic Training video archive promotionProject description
This project is accomplished in the summer of 2018. See here the tool and the YouTube channel and playlists.
The Academic Training (AT) video archive in CDS contains a wealth of knowledge that we could promote in youtube as part of CERN's mission around Education.
The plan, agreed with the CERN Academic Training Committee (ATC), CERN Communications experts and the IT/CDA management, is to make our corpus of recorded AT lectures more widely known via a dedicated CERNAcademicTraining YouTube channel. To prepare:
- Check other such sites on the web, e.g. NASA, Fermilab, Argonne, ESA, EPFL, UniGe, google, etc - also some sites of famous art institutions - and write down what we can learn from the best ones. Done, see result HERE.
- The ATC members and lecture series' sponsors to select 'best-of' past series in CDS, to use as pilot entries, classify them per discipline domain and equip them with keywords that will help web searched in the future. Done, as far as pilot entries is concerned. Keywords are still to come in. See result HERE.
- Propose content for a corporate wrapping of each lecture in youtube. Done. ATC and CERN Communications opted for the CERN logo clip as per other CERN youtube channels, instead of tailored AT - see example HERE. Original idea to ask the CERN communications team to make a few seconds' teaser to place at the entry of the future youtube channel is not exactly abandoned, but we shouldn't wait due to the wrapper. If done, it can be inspired by TEDx talks' introduction, where keywords are flying around in music to introduce the topic.
- Use an automated tool to wrap existing CDS video records in the 'corporate' wrapper. IT/CDA-IC recently made a tool for slides' inclusion but not for short video clips, as suggested in the point above.
- Prepare an (ffmpeg-based) script (in IT/CDA-IC) that will merge the channels (mostly show the slides, with periodical intersection of the lecturer's face) in order for the existing CDS records to be optimally displayed in youtube. This is being developed in summer 2018 according to this workflow. Done.
- Make CDS video playlists per domain so they can be fed into youtube as such. This is not there yet, in CDS functionality but planned for the next release, later in 2017. Playlists can be made in youtube already now, of course. Ideas for playlists: All about netrinos, the Higgs, medical applications, statistics, Machine Learning, Supercomputing, Computer Security,... etc. Done for Computing and Academic Training. The Academic Training Committee members are prompted to suggest more playlists, if needed.
Project initiator/coordinator: Maria Dimou / Academic Training Committee chairperson and IT e-learning project leader.
Implementation experts: Marek Domaracky & René Fernandez Sanchez / Audiovisual service managers.
Students who worked for this project:
- Alex Manzoni - University of Geneva , Switzerland
- Georgios Tourpetas - University of Athens, Greece.
Required skills
Good video and text editing. Modern education and documentation management knowledge.Learning experience
This project requires both pedagogical and technical skills. The student will work as an editor and advisor, with the CERN Communications' team and the the Academic Training sponsors, to emphasise the interesting points, while respecting the historical content. Then he will need technical skills to do the video editing. Experience from interactions with users and educational material content owners, as well as the documentation and presentation of the results will be gained.Formal notification techniques of the conclusions drawn from data patterns observed in the video parametres of our archived AT lectures.
Project duration
6 monthsProject area
LearningContact for further details
Maria DimouReferences
- A COAS request in this index page with request date 07/11/2016.
- Final report of Stagiaire A.Manzoni https://twiki.cern.ch/Edutech/ArtAndScienceCoolVideos
- Final report of Summer Student G.Tourpetas http://cds.cern.ch/record/2633818/files/Aveditor%20-%20work%20project%20report.pdf
CERN group
AccomplishedAlex Manzoni for point 1 & George Tourpetas for point 4
Université de Genève & University of Athens
Maria Dimou
Project finished 10 Aug 2018