Malt-related project: Standard documentation workflow and conversion tools for documentation, slides etc

Project name

Malt-related project: Standard documentation workflow and conversion tools for documentation, slides etc

Project description

Prélude project

1 August  - 30 September 2019:

Develop a new search engine for Indico. Details here.

Supervision by Pedro Ferreira <>.

Main project

In order to standardise the way service web sites (both for user facing and administration pages) are handled across the group and department, IT/CDA proposes a way to create, maintain and serve service web sites, based on modern and open technologies (Markdown, Gitlab and Openshift). The process of creating such documentation web sites is  documented here.  The student will participate in the development of an easy-to-use workflow to simplify to the maximum the management of such web sites. Since currently many such pages are in existing Twiki, Sharepoint or Drupal documentation pages, the student will also write scripts to convert existing such pages in Markdown automatically.

Some of our service documentation pages (printers, mail quota, personal storage space quota, certificate, password renewal) are dynamic. The student will have to port the scripts behind such dynamic pages to the new Markdown-based documentation.

In addition, the student should deploy an operational solution for easy making and hosting of non Microsoft .pptx slides. The current recommendation needs improvement to become operational documentation.

Required skills

Programming and good english. Good communication skills for exchanges with the service managers.

Learning experience

The IT/CDA group hosts a big amount of important communication, documentation, web and computing services
Getting the experience of these tools will be valuable for the student's future professional life.

Project duration

1 year

Project area

Data Management Learning

Contact for further details

Maria Dimou


  1. Submitted for Technical Students' selection in the autumn 2018 but refused.
  2. Re-submitted for the May 2019 Tech. Stud. selection and approved.

CERN group



Accomplished Submitted by Maria Dimou on Thursday, September 20, 2018 - 14:53.
Student info
Student name

Aristofanis Chionis


University of Athens

CERN supervisor

Maria Dimou

Thesis type
Project started 01 Aug 2019
Project finished 30 Sep 2020
Defence status