Malt-related project: Usability study of the mail documentation
Project name
Usability study of description
The group Collaboration, Devices and Applications (CDA) in CERN IT Department provides a big number of services which are very visible to the end-user. For a complete list of services, please check our internal web site.
In the framework of the Microsoft ALTernatives project (MALT), we are deploying alternative mail servers and clients to MS Outlook.
These are documented on site
The student will play the role of the CERN non-IT-End-User. S-he will:
- use our new mail service based on Dovecot
- navigate through the documentation
- improve for clarity or re-write the sections that are unclear
- equip these documentation pages with additional screenshots and/or very short videos where necessary.
Project outcome:
Mira interviewed users and service managers and re-wrote/updated/translated the documentation in french and reviewed the navigational path. Entry point is HERE.
Required skills
Good english language understanding, writing, speaking and reading.Good communication skills.
Knowledge of web editing and publishing tools.
Ideally, experience with gitlab and Markdown syntax.
Knowledge of screen capture and recording tools.
Learning experience
Contact with CERN users and experts. Good experience with a large community of tens of thousands of users.Good opportunity to learn and understand user requirements for a complete and comprehensive documenation.
Valuable learning experience from a complex migration process for a very important IT service.
Project duration
1-2 months at 50% working time (20 hrs per week 755 CHF per month)Project area
Data Analytics LearningContact for further details
Maria DimouReferences
The documentation at Outlook times (still valid for some of the functions it contains).
CERN group
Accomplished Submitted by Maria Dimou on Wednesday, May 26, 2021 - 10:38.Mira Buzanszky
Haute Ecole de gestion de Genève - Filière Information documentaire - Campus de Battelle
Maria Dimou & Giacomo Tenaglia
Project finished 30 Sep 2021